Review your sales and your marketing strategy so that it will boost your profits and gain ground on your competitors. A good way for you to start is by simply breaking down the process into the discrete, the manageable elements. You will end up with a checklist that can be reviewed to prioritize areas that are needing improvement and also serve as the groundwork for an effective marketing strategy.
Some sales strategies come and go with some of the best book of the week, or the advent of the new tools & technologies. Yet others are firmly here to stay and are rooted in hard psychological principles that explain what is really motivating people to buy or not buy.
1. Customer Service
The first step to providing a good customer service is to understand the kind of service that your customers want. If you are running a convenience store where people stop in quickly just to grab a soft drink or a power bar, they are simply looking for a friendly cashier that will take care of their transaction very quickly and without hassle.
However, something like a full-service restaurant or something like a retail establishment that sells specialty products will draw people who are looking to be waited on or people who have their questions answered.
It is also very important for you to seek for feedback. You need to provide ways for your customers to review your business. If you have a customer loyalty program, you can regularly contact those customers who have not made purchases in a while to offer discounts or to inquire about why they have not visited your business recently.
2. Financing
Reviewing your capital structure regularly or you can have a CPA do it for you to make sure you are handling your assets and your liabilities in the most cost-effective way. If you have achieved some success, are viewed as a stable business in the community, and having a solid reputation also, you may be able to attract the angel investors or the venture capitalists to assist with the expansion of your business.
3. Consistent Strategies
You have to building customer loyalty and increasing sales to existing customers, it should be a constant focus of your operation. Bringing people in the door sometimes it requires different approaches all based on your needs at the time. For example, if the spring months of March, of April also, and May typically are slow for your business, it is a good idea for you to schedule events during those months that are designed to bring potential customers in the door.
Do not limit yourself to the strategies that are built around sales. Consider holding workshops or even training sessions centered around the products or services you provide so to draw attention to your brand. Let the sales just come naturally from that boost of attention.