Mobile App Vs Mobile Website: Which is Best for Your Organization?

Humans have come a long way in terms of behavior and interaction with web platforms in our current world. In the beginning, we collectively denied using online means for activities such as shopping, but with time, many people realized its benefits. Similarly, while initially the masses preferred big screens; there has been a noticeable shift in human tendencies to get things done faster on their handheld devices- mobile phones.

Despite this, many of us prefer to perform certain tasks on our laptops or desktops rather than our smartphones. Despite the transition and confusion, it is clear that users prefer mobile devices to laptops or desktops. But, most organizations are still stuck on whether to invest in a quality mobile website or a mobile app.

App vs mobile website has been a long-standing debate. In today’s blog post, we will try to decode this very confusion for you.

Mobile App Vs Mobile Website: What’s the difference?

  • Mobile Website: A mobile website is a desktop website that has been optimized and scaled for mobile viewing. A mobile website has less white space, less page elements, and less fonts and logos than a desktop website.
  • Mobile App: A mobile app is a different story. A mobile app is a program that is accessed by the user via the internet, but its programming is different from a mobile website. Users benefit from faster, cleaner, more interactive and intuitive user interfaces.

Which do users prefer?

Researchers and data analysis have determined that users spend up to 90% of their time on mobile apps rather than browsers. Apps provide an unparalleled user experience in terms of speed, features, and functionality.

In terms of millennial usage, it is rare to find a millennial or Gen Z kid who prefers mobile websites to apps. This is especially true for e-commerce and retail mobile apps. Due to their excessive use of Facebook and similar platforms, parents and baby boomers are responsible for major revenue streams!

Mobile apps are also preferred due to the user engagement they provide. However, once users are aware, they will go to the stores to download the app rather than spend more time on the websites.

A Comparison of Mobile App Vs Mobile Website

According to a Criteo study, “mobile apps push more people down the purchase funnel, with 3x higher conversion rates than mobile sites and even 1.5 times more conversions per session than desktop.”

One reason is that mobile websites do not save user data. Your phone may ‘remember’ your credentials, but most mobile websites do not. As a result, most carts are abandoned during checkout due to user annoyance. Mobile apps, on the other hand, solve this issue by saving your credentials once entered, saving you time at checkout.

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