7 Ways to Increase Customer Loyalty in Ecommerce

Post-purchase emails are an important part of any ecommerce email strategy. They are optional if you only want new customers and don’t need existing ones to reorder. But for most ecommerce businesses, customer loyalty is vital. Engaging with existing customers after the sale is one of the most cost-effective ways to encourage repeat purchases. Post-Purchase …

7 Ecommerce Content Marketing Plans for 2022

What do you know about ecommerce content marketing? It is simply a part of digital marketing. What are the benefits you can derive from using ecommerce content marketing? Effective content drives free traffic to your store. It’s also targeted traffic, meaning it’s only people interested in your products or related topics. It usually goes like …

6 Sales-Driven Trigger Email Campaigns

A triggered email generates revenue in ecommerce. Keeping track of and engaging contacts is time consuming. Automated campaigns, triggered at the right time, ensure no sales are lost. Every business’ ecommerce email strategy should include marketing automation. Let’s go over some basic trigger emails for your ecommerce store. A Triggered Email A triggered email is …