Ahrefs vs. SEMrush

It’s necessary nowadays to evaluate and improve your company’s online presence to appear near the top of search results. Ahrefs and Semrush are two tools for optimizing content marketing for search engines.

Let’s see how they compare on the following features:

  • Competitor Analysis
  • Backlink Analysis/Management
  • SEO Auditing
  • Content Optimization

What is Ahrefs?

Ahrefs is a great tool for analyzing your backlink profile and page speed. It can do keyword research and suggest ways to gain domain authority. The Ahrefs SEO tool also checks for broken links and upload times, allowing you to quickly address potential user experience issues.

What is SEMrush?

SEMrush is a search engine optimization tool that also helps with other digital marketing activities. The SEMrush SEO tool helps you find and capitalize on online growth opportunities. SEMrush does keyword research, generates reports on web traffic and visitor behavior, and much more. SEMrush tracks data and thus the performance of your company’s campaigns and testing in addition to SEO.

Ahrefs vs. SEMrush for Competitor Analysis

Google Analytics only tracks internal site performance, but in the game of SEO, you need to keep your competitors close. Unlike Google Analytics, Ahrefs and SEMrush provide data on your competitors’ sites.

The Ahrefs Site Explorer tool has a backlink checker that lets you see how many sites link to your competitors and their backlink profiles. You can also use this tool to see what keywords your competitors are ranking for. Finally, you can look into your competitors’ paid traffic to see if they are using paid search and who they are targeting.

SEMrush’s SEO toolkit helps you identify competitors with similar backlink profiles. This toolkit also allows you to track your competitors’ link growth and loss over time.

Both Ahref and SEMrush provide rank tracking tools to compare your site’s performance against competitors.

Ahrefs vs. SEMrush for Backlink Analysis/Management

It’s important to keep track of who links to your site. Both tools analyze backlinks.

Content Explorer from Ahrefs contains data from over a billion webpages. Find link building opportunities by excluding pages with the most backlinks. From there, you can look at the top results and see what they’re doing right in terms of content. If you want to build a relationship with the writers and/or feature your work on their blogs, this backlink analysis tool can help you find them.

SEMrush lets you analyze any domain’s backlinks and compare it to five competitors. Its backlink auditing tool can also identify gaps between keywords and backlinks. SEMrush, like Ahrefs, identifies link building opportunities. SEMrush has a built-in interface for contacting potential backlink partners and tracking requests.

Ahrefs vs. SEMrush for SEO Auditing

As your company grows and your site grows in pages and content, it becomes more difficult to monitor SEO issues like broken links and missing meta data. This emphasizes the need for technical SEO audits. Finding and fixing broken links on your site will improve user experience.

The cloud-based Ahrefs Site Auditing tool crawls your entire site for technical SEO issues. After the scan, it generates a list of all problematic URLs on your site. You can start fixing the most urgent errors. The site auditing tool also suggests solutions for your web developer. The Ahrefs auditing tool can detect issues by category, such as page load time. The tool will show you which sites are slow. You can manually start Ahref site scanning or schedule it.

SEMrush allows you to scan your entire site or just a portion of it in minutes. Discover how to improve your site’s visibility to search engines and users. SEMrush also provides a comprehensive speed report. You can also use SEMrush’s On Page SEO Checker to improve your site’s on-page SEO.

Ahrefs vs. SEMrush for Content Optimization

What topics are important to your target audience? So that your site appears on the first page of search results, digital marketers can use keyword and topic research tools.

The Ahrefs Content Explorer tool not only helps build backlinks but also helps identify top content areas for your business niche. The Content Explorer can filter results for popular articles by organic search traffic, referring domains, domain rating, social shares, and more. Keywords Explorer, its keyword research tool, helps uncover keyword ideas and categorize them by ranking difficulty, search volume, and traffic potential.

SEMrush also helps you find popular topics among your target demographic. It has six keyword tools, including one that generates random keyword combinations. But SEMrush does more than just generate content ideas. It also tracks your content’s quality, relevance, and reach in real-time.

Ahrefs vs. SEMrush: Choosing the Right SEO Tool For Your Company

In order to improve and maintain your company’s online presence, backlink management, competitor research, content optimization, and site auditing are essential features.

Your SEO tool should help you manage the size and quality of your backlink profile by analyzing it and suggesting improvements. It should also allow you to easily track what your competitors are doing and identify missed opportunities. An SEO tool should also help you research keywords and optimize your site’s content to increase organic traffic. Finally, a site audit tool can help you regularly monitor your site’s performance.

Both Ahrefs and SEMrush have tools for these essential SEO tasks.

Ahrefs specializes in SEO and its site is organized to show its five main tools. There are also videos showing how Ahrefs’ tools work. Ahrefs will be an insightful, user-friendly partner in your SEO efforts if its site layout and content are any indication.

SEMrush offers SEO, PPC, and social media marketing tools. So there’s a lot of potential here, but its SEO tools are scattered across the site, and you have to start a free trial to see how they work.

What chatbots require in order to earn consumer trust

Chatbots have the potential to revolutionize customer service. These bots can access and process information much faster than humans. They must, however, continue to evolve and improve before fully gaining consumer trust.

  • Consumer perceptions of chatbots
  • How chatbots can convert consumers
  • In Conclusion

Consumer perceptions of chatbots

As chatbots have become more common in recent years, many consumers have questioned whether they want or need this technology to solve their problems.

Consumers are bound to be wary of new technology. Recent research shows that when given the chance, consumers use chatbots to answer questions and solve simple problems. In fact, one study found that 70% of respondents preferred using a chatbot for simpler company interactions. Chatbots are becoming more popular, especially among millennials.

How chatbots can convert consumers

However, chatbot technology is still evolving and has performance issues. Consumers are still wary of using chatbots for more complex tasks. Some have had bad experiences with chatbots that can’t solve or escalate problems. Even isolated negative experiences erode trust in technology.

To gain consumer trust, chatbots must be able to provide the following key elements:

  • Time savings

It’s no surprise that consumers want to use chatbots to save time in today’s fast-paced world. A chatbot for customer service is a cost-effective way to provide 24/7 service to customers. To be truly useful, chatbots must be able to answer questions and issues as quickly as humans.

  • Accurate and quick responses

Consumers seem to prefer using chatbots to complete simple tasks and answer simple questions because they are afraid the bot will make mistakes when performing more complex tasks. So accuracy is critical for a chatbot. A chatbot’s main duty is to provide complete, precise, and accurate responses.

  • Ability to escalate

In an ideal world, chatbots could handle every customer service issue. Of course, we don’t live in a perfect world, and bots will eventually be asked questions they can’t answer. That’s why they need quick access to a service representative. If a chatbot can’t answer a question or meet a demand, it should quickly and seamlessly redirect the customer.

  • Natural-sounding interactions

The better a chatbot can mimic consumer conversational language, the better. That means chatbots need to understand the context of a conversation and how consumers respond. Ideally, the bot should remember previous comments and use that information to inform subsequent responses. Just like humans, a positive consumer experience with a chatbot requires this.

In Conclusion

A chatbot’s development and deployment cannot be haphazard. Before consumers trust chatbots to handle complex customer service issues, they must possess certain core characteristics. Businesses should build bots that can dispel consumer fears about technology by providing accurate responses in a natural way.

How to increase email open rate

See the source image

Email marketing is still one of the most effective online marketing methods. Some say email marketing is dead, but this is untrue. Email marketing still works if done correctly. As the world’s internet users grow, so do the opportunities in the digital world.

The open rate is the most critical determinant of e-mail marketing success. Your email open rate determines how many customers are interested in your email and your business. So, if you don’t know what an email open rate is, read on.

Email open rate appears to be the number of people who open and read your email. Half true. The number of users who preview your email’s image or click on any link within it. To put it simply, a user must interact with your email to increase the open rate.

In addition, many people are perplexed as to how email open rates are calculated. Let’s clear the air.

Say you sent 100 emails, 20 of which were opened and some action ensued. So your campaign’s open rate will be 20%. Globally, a good open rate is now around 27%. However, due to the pandemic, it fell by 2% last year.

Let us now get to the point. When sending emails, many business owners or creators suffer from low open rates. Sending emails isn’t simple. Here are the top 6 email open rate increasing tips.

Choose the right audience

Choosing the right audience is crucial to increasing your email open rate. Most companies ignore this and email random people. Imagine sending a stock broker email to a doctor who will undoubtedly ignore it. So what?

You can correct this error by analyzing your data and sending targeted emails to users who recently engaged with your website or content. If you send 100 emails, make 70 of them relevant and 30 non-relevant.

Catchy heading

Everyone knows and advises creating appealing email. True, but you should know the exact parameters to consider for an appealing email.

The email’s heading increases the open rate. If you got the right heading, you did 70% of the job. You can use a controversial title, a horror story, a customer-related title, etc. After the heading, keep the email body short. Shorten it. Use your industry’s keywords ( You can use Google keyword planner for choosing the relevant keywords ). Keep your customer connected to the main link. You win when the customer clicks the link.

Email timing

This is a confusing point, but it works. You must be aware that most people, including yourself, ignore 90 out of 100 emails.

So, you must choose the right time to send emails. The best time to send an email is not easily determined, but you can test it to see when it is most likely to be opened.

This is important because when someone is at work, they will likely ignore any mail. You must choose a time when your customers are idle and mobile. For example, the correct time can be in the morning or around 3 p.m.

Ask questions

You are done if you can directly connect and engage with your lead. People love to sample their knowledge on any topic. And if it’s about them and their interests, they’ll open your email. You are on the right track if you directly question the user and relate to them.

But remember not to ask personal or hateful questions. Your email may be spammed. You can ask about their hobbies, favorite foods, pets, travel destinations, hobbies, occupation, etc. So, asking questions can boost email open rates.

Organize lists

We mentioned the importance of the right audience. Segmentation can also help increase open rates. In most cases, it takes too much time and data analysis. But proper segmentation can quickly increase your open rate. Segmenting your list means categorizing customers by interest. This will give you a lot of lists to choose from.

No spam

You don’t know whether you’ve written a legitimate or spammy email at first. To avoid spam, try to write a message that everyone can trust. If the user has to question whether you are a real person, your email will be considered spam. Realize this. If you write spam, it will go straight to the user’s spam folder.

How to Increase Your Brand’s Visibility on Social Media

Marketers are increasingly using social media, and it’s easy to see why. They open doors to untapped, already engaged audiences and ensure their attention with excellent visual storytelling. So, with them and SEO, you can get tons of leads and expand your reach. So, with a little help from SEO, let’s see how to increase brand awareness on social media. Brand awareness on social media requires a few things.

How to Increase Your Brand’s Visibility on Social Media

This is such an important distinction that we’ll start with it.

  • Know your audience
  • Choose the best platform
  • Profile optimization
  • Edit your content
  • Engage but don’t overextend
  1. Know your audience

All marketing efforts should start with audience research. Consider your target demographics and psychographics. Half the battle is knowing your audience.

Then consider their desires. This will inform your content strategy and help your brand awareness campaigns. Finalize your target demographics by determining their preferred platforms.

  1. Choose the best platform

The next step is to research your preferred platforms. Facebook is a popular choice due to its large user base. But that’s not the only factor. To effectively increase brand awareness on social media, you must select the right platforms.

  1. Profile optimization

So, now you can start optimizing your profiles. Make your profile descriptions count. Describe your company succinctly, with images and keywords. Make a great first impression with your profile.

Brand awareness is great, but it must also drive sales and retain audiences. Therefore, maintain visual and stylistic consistently. Finally, especially if you use multiple social media platforms, be consistent. Use the same visuals, slogans, and copy across all platforms.

  1. Edit your content

After learning the basics, you can start engaging your audiences. To do so effectively, you must polish your content. Consider the following:

  • Always target your keywords. You’re targeting specific demographics with specific needs, so your content should reflect that. Otherwise, your content may get lost in your audience’s feeds.
  • Add visuals to your posts. Use visuals wherever possible. Visual platforms like Instagram and Pinterest thrive on visual appeal. Use images, infographics, and other visual content whenever possible.
  • Remain steady. Finally, be consistent. A consistent engagement and content style will always work best in social media, as we’ll see next.
  1. Engage but don’t overextend

After discussing timing, you must also engage your audiences. Simply put, you can’t use social media to promote your brand. And if you don’t, you’ll be forgotten.


To summarize, increasing brand awareness on social media requires diligence and research. First, you need to know your audience well enough to know what they want and where they are. Choose the right platforms for your audience and content strategy. There, you must optimize your profiles while remaining consistent. Finally, you must regularly but not excessively engage with your audiences. It is not an easy process, but it is worthwhile.

How to Manage a Customer Loyalty Program

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While all businesses need to attract new customers, it’s equally important to keep existing ones. There are many ways to retain customers, but today we’ll focus on customer loyalty programs.

How do you create a customer loyalty program? This post will explain how customer loyalty programs work and how you can use them to retain more customers.

  • What are Customer Loyalty Programs?
  • But Why Is It So Vital?
  • How to Create a Customer Loyalty Program

What are Customer Loyalty Programs?

Customer loyalty programs offer participating customers rewards or special benefits for their purchases that aren’t available to non-participating customers. They can be in the form of loyalty cards, keychain fobs, stickers, or even paper punch cards.

A customer loyalty program may be free to join or may require an annual fee. Your business’s loyalty program may be free or require a small investment.

Customer loyalty programs combine human competitiveness and consumer desire for free stuff. The customer is pleased, and the hosting company makes more money and gains the customer’s loyalty.

But Why Is It So Vital?

Loyalty programs increase customer retention and are a great local advertising idea. But why is it so vital?

  1. Customer loyalty leads to increased satisfaction

Repeat customers also provide valuable brand insight. Repeat customers will provide honest feedback. This feedback can help you improve your business and increase revenue.

  1. Customer loyalty can help cut marketing costs

The customer buying journey starts long before the sale. Before buying a product or service, most people do some research, either by reading reviews or asking a current customer for advice.

More loyal customers mean more positive feedback for prospects and less marketing and advertising costs. Word-of-mouth marketing is effective.

  1. Customer loyalty boosts profits

Customer retention has many advantages. According to the 80/20 rule, 20% of a company’s existing customers generate 80% of its profits! A slight increase in customer loyalty can significantly boost profits.

Customers are not only profit sources but also potential promoters. Plus, retaining existing customers is cheaper than acquiring new ones.

  1. Customer loyalty can help your company survive

Finally, building customer loyalty will help your company avoid competitors. Customers who trust a brand will stick with it no matter what.

Customers who are satisfied with your service will continue to patronize your business even if a trendy new brand enters the market.

How to Create a Customer Loyalty Program

Setting up a customer loyalty program for your company takes little time and effort.

  1. Setting of goals for your customers
  2. Determine the manner in which customers will progress toward the objective
  3. Provide an initial boost to customers
  4. Publicize Your Loyalty Plan

How To Increase The Open Rate Of Your Emails

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Why is my email open rate so low’ is a frequently asked question. There are several strategies for increasing email open rates, and we have some recommendations for you.

  1. Maintain the relevance of your list

Maintain an updated list – you do not want to send emails to people who are indifferent to your product or service.

  1. Utilize Segmentation

Utilize email segments – do not just create a list. You can target specific segments with your content to ensure that you generate quality leads as well.

  1. Target Audience

Send emails to the appropriate recipients. Prior to strategizing your email campaigns, invest in market research.

  1. Avoid having your message flagged as spam

Avoid using spammy language in your emailers as much as possible. Spam filters have become increasingly intelligent. Avoid the use of the word “free” in the subject line. Whenever possible, use lower case for the subject line.

  1. Utilize effective subject lines

Always double-check your subject lines. One-third of subscribers open emails based on the subject line’s interest. You must pique the reader’s interest in order for them to open your email.

  1. Timing must be precise

Experiment with various times of the day to determine which works best for you. Certain brands, such as Faasos and Swiggy, send emails just before mealtime with enticing offers designed to entice users to convert. For additional email marketing tips, check out these 13 essential business marketing tips and tricks.

  1. Email Content

Ascertain that the content of your emails is both compelling and pertinent. Additionally, it should have significance. Your subject line cannot be discussing one subject while your email is discussing another.

  1. Why would a subscriber wish to cancel their subscription?

Investigate thoroughly why a subscriber terminated their newsletter subscription. Are there any areas in which you could make improvements? Typically, users unsubscribe when they become bored or irritated with the emails.

  1. Create anticipation

Create excitement for major campaigns by not disclosing everything.

  1. Emojis

Make use of emojis. They are occasionally adept at incorporating humor. Use them wisely and in a tasteful manner.

  1. Incorporate Moment Marketing and new content into your strategy

Make an attempt to incorporate moment marketing and engaging, fresh content into your strategy. Additionally, this will maintain user engagement.

  1. Email Marketing Tools

If you’re looking for a way to boost your email open rate, HubSpot recommends using email marketing tools. Mailchimp, Mailjet, and others are just a few of the available options. The best email marketing tools that you should be aware of are detailed in this article.

How to Improve Email Open Rate

Now it’s time to talk about how to get more customers to open your emails.

  • Get Readers to Open Emails
  • Examine the Sender Line
  • Utilize a Single Approach for Your Headline
  • Inspire Readers to Open Emails
  • Create Quality Lists
  • Send to the Right List
  • Make a Great First Impression
  • Make use of Preheader Text
  • Be Reliable
  • Optimize Your Email
  1. Get Readers to Open Emails

To stand out among the sea of emails your readers receive, give them a reason to open and read yours. Use phrases like “what you’re missing” to pique interest and make the email more appealing.

Use “your competitors” when targeting B2B customers. Every company wants to know what their competitors are doing. To avoid getting flagged and unopened, avoid using common buzzwords like “free”, “percent off”, or “reminder”.

  1. Examine the Sender Line

For different audiences, different senders may be more effective. Using the company name is common practices that can help readers identify the sender, but it can also feel impersonal and lead to omission.

Alternatively, you could use your name to draw the reader’s attention to the preheader text for more details. Using “name at company” gives you the best of both worlds.

  1. Utilize a Single Approach for Your Headline

Your headline should be short but catchy, conveying the email’s content. Knowing your audience and emphasizing the benefits your email brings them is the easiest way to write an effective headline.

  1. Inspire Readers to Open Emails

You never know who has read your emails or when someone will open one. Make sure every email you send is useful, high-quality, and enjoyable to read. This will undoubtedly affect future email opening.

  1. Create Quality Lists

Your open rate is determined by the quality of your emails. You want content-hungry subscribers, not coupon-hungry ones. Put email collection prompts on your most relevant content.

Once you have your list, segment it into groups based on where they are in your sales funnel. This will help you avoid overloading readers with links and topics. Having specific lists will help you maximize your lead nurturing impact.

  1. Send to the Right List

Your open rate will suffer if you cast a wide email net instead of a narrow one. The more specific your target audience for each email, the better. Demographics and sales funnel stages segmentation (prospect, customer, loyalty).

  1. Make a Great First Impression

When someone joins your email list, thank them and tell them they will be rewarded. You can use this to quickly wash away any doubts they may have about giving you their email and prepare them for the informative newsletters to come.

  1. Make use of Preheader Text

Preheader text is the preview you see before opening an email. Use this space to give the reader a sneak peek inside and a compelling reason to open it. In the absence of a preheader text, your email will use the first line, which may not be as effective.

  1. Be Reliable

Email marketing is just as important as developing your brand image and voice. It may take some trial and error to find the right tone, but once you do, stick with it. Readers may look forward to your emails simply because they are written well.

  1. Optimize Your Email

Opening an email doesn’t mean a reader will read it. In the email body, provide plenty of value without being too long or salesy. Give them value for their time because they will only open subsequent emails if they liked the first.

How To Define Your Target Audience

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Table of Contents

  • Customer Demographics
  • The Needs of the Customers
  • Customer Profiles

Customer Demographics

You need to know your target demographics to determine your target market. Who will buy your product? For example, diamond earrings are mostly for women, but many men buy them as gifts.

Gender, age, and marital status are examples of relevant demographics. There are also questions about whether or not they have children and their ages as well as their religious and political beliefs. Google Analytics and Facebook Insights can help you identify your target demographics. You can also survey customers and poll them on social media. The goal is to learn what your clients think and prefer. This will also aid in defining your target audience’s needs.

Customer Needs

After defining your target demographics, you must determine your target market’s needs. Why do they buy your product or use your service? What is the customer’s issue that you can solve? Understanding your customers’ interests, desires, and motivations helps you design your ad campaign. Which power words to use? What should you emphasize in your product or service? Using customer surveys and interactions to better understand customer motives will help you leverage existing consumption research models. You can create customer profiles once you know their motivations.

Customer Profiles

Make customer profiles based on your target audience’s demographics and motivations. Create customer profiles for a cross-section of your target market. These are also called personas. A persona is an outline of an imaginary customer that fits within your customer demographics. Your outline describes the customer’s gender, age, marital status, income, preferences, and problems.

If you sell toys for children aged 7 to 10, you may have multiple profiles. A mother, for example, may be more concerned with the toy’s price and educational value. A grandparent, for example, may be a customer profile who is more concerned with the toy’s popularity and child entertainment. In your marketing campaign, consider how these personas would react to the words and images you use. Ask where the customer will receive your message. You can market to your mother on Facebook or Pinterest, but not to your grandmother. Email campaigns can be very effective if your audience has email.

How To Move Forward

Prevent common digital marketing errors. Give yourself a complete digital footprint, not just a website. And keep updating. Also, turn your customers into brand ambassadors. Encourage satisfied customers to refer their friends and family. Ask for testimonials in campaigns. You can reward referrals and testimonials with small gifts or discounts on future purchases.

Your campaign will be much more effective once you know your target demographic, their motivations, and where they are. You can create a campaign that truly speaks to your audience’s needs and desires. This means more sales and higher conversion rates.

Digital Marketer Job Roles and Responsibilities

Digital marketing is a newer job in the age of social media and the internet. Almost every single industry needs digital marketers in order to stay relevant in today’s society. The digital marketer is responsible for a large portion of the business’s online presence. Whether they are focused on social media or website development is up to the business. Digital marketing is a term that casts a wide net and can include a lot of different responsibilities. There are different job roles in digital marketing, like marketing campaigns designing, maintaining, supplying the right content for an organization, engaging people through social media, checking and keeping visitors flow on the website. Digital marketing roles and responsibilities are there for developing strong and innovative digital marketing strategies using PPC, SEO, SEM, and other techniques to attract traffic to the company’s website and increasing awareness of company’s products and services.

  1. Digital Marketing Executive

A digital marketing executive is responsible for looking into the online marketing strategies for the organization. They plan and execute marketing campaigns, and maintain and supply content for the organization’s website. Here is a list of digital marketing executive roles and responsibilities:

  • Develop and manage digital marketing campaigns
  • Manage organization’s website
  • Optimize content for the website and social networking channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus, etc
  • Track the website traffic flow and provide internal reports regularly
  • Fix any error in online content and arrange webinars and webcasts
  • Attend networking events and product launches.
  • Identify new digital marketing trends and ensure that the brand is in front of the industry developments.
  • Work on SEO of the website pages.
  • Edit and post content, videos, podcasts, and audio content on online sites.
  • Promote company’s product and services in the digital space.
  • Execute social media efforts to improve KPIs, likes, shares, tweets, etc.
  • Creating and executing SMS, and email-based marketing campaigns.
  1. Digital Marketing Manager

The primary role of a digital marketing manager is to get the word about your brand out in the digital space. Here are the digital marketing roles and responsibilities of a digital marketing manager:

  • Develop, implement, and manage marketing campaigns that promote the products and services of a company.
  • Enhance brand awareness in the digital space.
  • Drive website traffic and acquire leads.
  • Measure site traffic, identify and evaluate new digital technologies and optimize marketing campaigns, email marketing, social media, and display & search advertising using web analytics tools.
  1. Search Engine Optimizer – SEO Executive

The primary role of an SEO specialist or an SEO executive is to rank a website page on the search engine result page and to increase the website’s traffic. SEO sector is booming day by day, and SEO executive jobs will always be in demand. SEO executive roles will be available only in large companies with marketing departments. The SEO executive job role is available for all degree students, but it would be a plus point if you have a degree in digital marketing. You must have relevant experience and high level of technical skill. Here are the digital marketing roles and responsibilities of an SEO executive:

  • Conduct on-site and off-site analysis of clients in various industries.
  • Compile performances report using Google Analytics program.
  • Keep attention to the updates of Google’s Algorithm.
  • Contribute to the company’s blog for on-page and off-page optimization.
  • Conduct keyword research according to the latest keyword research strategies.
  1. Social Media Marketing Expert

A social media marketing expert is responsible for combining marketing and social media management to enhance the company’s social media presence, interaction with target audiences, promoting the brand’s engaging content, and expanding the opportunities for increasing the revenue. A social media marketing expert should have the understanding and knowledge of each social media platform, social media marketing strategies, and how to optimize content to make it engaging on the social media channels. Here are the digital marketing roles and responsibilities of a social media marketing expert:

  • Create social media marketing strategy and campaign by creating the content idea, budget planning, and implementation schedules.
  • Promote the brand’s products and services on various social media channels.
  • Build social media marketing strategy and execute it through competitive and audience research.
  • Optimize company pages with each social media platform to increase the company’s social content visibility.
  • Achieve audience engagement, website traffic, and revenue by exploiting all digital marketing aspects of social media marketing roadmap.
  1. Digital Marketing Copywriter

There are many job roles of a copywriter. A digital writer produces the written content for web pages. They can work either as a freelance content writer or as an employee of a company. The copywriter can help the content team to refine their content and words used to get more reception, help the search engine marketer to write a better ad copy, help the social media manager with better words for posting on social media channels. Here are few jobs digital marketing roles and responsibilities of a digital copywriter:

  • Tailor the content and style of writing assignments according to their purpose like sell or inform.
  • Understand target audience because content writing is not for clients. It’s for the readers. So, a copywriter should understand the interests of the target audience.
  • Work with different team to ensure quality results and quality visual elements of the web page complementing the words.
  • Identifying interesting and fresh angles every time for an article.
  • Write for blogs, web pages, social media, eBooks, slogans, and video script.
  • Assist with the business pitches to win new clients and projects.
  • Provide digital contents such as video, infographics, and images, etc.
  1. Content Marketing Manager

A content marketing manager is responsible for content marketing. Managing blog, marketing campaigns, eBook publications, guest blogging, email communications, video marketing, sales page copywriting, etc. are the roles of a content marketing manager. Here are the brief descriptions of the digital marketing roles and responsibilities of a content marketing manager:

  • Create, edit and improve the content that audience is looking for and optimize the path to conversion.
  • Deliver effective editorial plan and content marketing strategy to meet the business objectives. Editorial requirements include basic SEO understanding, content development,
  • categorization and structure, distribution and management.
  • Measure and optimize on a regular basis to drive traffic, engagement, and leads.
  • Integrate content programs with brand campaigns to drive the demand for the brand.
  • Develop editorial calendar.
  • Receive customer feedback and generate ideas to increase customer engagement.
  • Analyse web traffic metrics.

5 Productive Boosting Email Features

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1. Quick Parts (Outlook) / Templates (Gmail)

Sending the same email or parts of emails over and over? Stop typing standard responses and create a Quick Part in Outlook or a template in Gmail.

Open a message in Outlook and place your cursor in the email body field.

Fill in the desired text, highlight it, and then select “Save Selection to Quick Part Gallery” from the expanded menu. The Quick Part will appear in your menu. We suggest adding Quick Parts to your Quick Access Toolbar for faster access.

Gmail templates work similarly. To use Templates, you must first enable them:

  1. Click the gear in the top right.
  2. Click “All settings”
  3. Select “Advanced” tab.
  4. Under Templates, select ‘Enable’
  5. Click “Save”

Then, from any email you plan to write, select the three vertical dots:

2. Smart Compose (Gmail) / Text Predictions (Outlook)

If you like your phone guessing your words, you’ll like Gmail, Outlook, and Google Docs/Word doing the same. This can save a lot of typing time as you tab through words.

Gmail’s Smart Compose beat Outlook to this one. To use it, it must be turned on:

  1. Click the gear in the top right.
  2. Click “All settings”
  3. If you haven’t already, click the “General” tab.
  4. Select “Writing suggestions on” from the Smart Compose section.
  5. Select “Personalization on” in the Smart Compose personalization section.
  6. Click “Save”

After that, Smart Compose suggestions should appear in light grey as you type. Click TAB to accept the suggestion. If not, keep typing.

Text Predictions is a new feature in Outlook. Currently, only a few users can access it:

  • Outlook.com/web: Available in English in North America.
  • 50% of Windows Beta Channel users running Build 13301.20004 or later have the feature.

3. Smart Reply (Gmail) / Suggested Replies (Outlook)

Smart Reply is a tool in the Smart Compose toolkit. Rather than waiting for you to start typing, Gmail anticipates your short replies. A reply email is opened with the selected text. Then you can send the email or edit the text.

This is useful when you only have a few words to say or are replying to emails on your phone.

Outlook has the same feature. If you use a computer, you must meet the same system requirements as Text Predictions. Currently, Suggested Replies work in Outlook Mobile. When appropriate, Suggested Replies include “Schedule Meeting” and “Attach File” options, further streamlining the process.

4. Filters (Gmail) / Rules (Outlook)

Many people receive emails that they don’t need to process. Newsletters are the most common example, but ads and social media notifications can also fit. Then you want to route these emails to a specific folder/label and avoid your inbox. This saves you time and keeps your inbox free for important messages.

Create a rule in Outlook to automate this process. Create free-form rules by selecting Rules in the Home tab’s “Move” section.

Rules work like if-then statements: if an email meets certain criteria, do this. If you don’t see what you want, select “Advanced Options.”

To create a rule for a specific email, right-click the email and select “Rules.”

Create a filter in Gmail to do this. To create a filter from your inbox, click the down arrow next to the search field, enter the criteria for the filter, and click “Create filter.”

When reading a message, select the vertical three dots and select “Filter messages like these.”

5. Converting An Email Into A Calendar Appointment

Even if you use Calendly, Acuity, Woven, or another scheduling app, you may need to create an invite from an email. Adding context to the invite that was likely already in the email, and retyping the invitees’ email addresses used to be a tedious process.

Fortunately, it is no longer required. To make this work in Outlook, create one of its suggested Quick Steps – Reply with Meeting. (If you haven’t already, see above Quick Steps.) Reply with Meeting adds the email addresses to the invitee field and the email body to the appointment description field.

In Gmail, click the three vertical dots in the email sending toolbar and select “Create event.” This adds the email’s contents and recipients directly to the event fields, saving you time and aggravation.