8 Content Marketing Trends for 2022

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Content marketing is vital for brand growth and audience targeting.

You won’t get more leads, convert more, or grow your email list without it.

You can stay ahead of the competition if you keep up with your customers’ demands.

Content marketing revenue now exceeds $42 billion annually, according to Statista. To avoid being left behind, many companies are prioritizing content marketing.

Focus on the content marketing trends listed below to make 2022 your company’s best year yet.

1. Visual storytelling via augmented reality (AR)

Visuals convey information far more effectively than text.

MIT neuroscientists discovered the brain can recognize images seen for 13 milliseconds. Text does not go into our long-term memory like images do.

So great images in your content are essential if you want people to remember and care about your brand. Similarly, you can spice up your communications by removing monotony and inviting customers to ask for more.

In 2021, 93.3 million people will use augmented reality at least once.

Pokémon Go, IKEA, Sephora, and Warby Parker have all used augmented reality to attract customers.

2. The rise of podcasts

Educational podcasts are in high demand, and many businesses plan to jump on board in 2022. Many popular podcasts already target entrepreneurs and business owners. Podcasts are a great way to inform your audience on a variety of topics. They can also help your content marketing strategy.

The power of podcasting for content marketers You can use them to highlight the benefits of your products or services to niche customers. Use them on social media to complement your blog posts. Podcasts have a personal touch that text cannot. Use your voice to convey emotions that your audience can relate to.

3. AI (artificial intelligence) technology

Many start-ups have limited resources. They must learn to maximize them. Automation of data processing and analysis facilitates decision-making.

Improving human labor productivity and efficiency with AI will increase in 2022.

Customers expect quick responses. Thus, AI-powered chatbots will be used in content marketing. As AI technology advances, more tools for data analysis and marketing content creation will become available. This automation allows employees to focus on their core duties.

4. First-rate search engine optimization (SEO)

Content marketing and SEO require consistency. Original and creative content indexes faster and ranks higher than repetitive and low-value content.

95% of users only look at the first page of results. Your content won’t be seen unless it’s on the first page. So optimizing your content pays off.

Your content should persuade and help customers who are trying to solve problems. Use relevant keywords in your content and target specific visitors to help Google recognize and rank your page.

Content marketing and SEO are intertwined. Both are required. Success requires SEO-friendly content marketing. Together, SEO and content marketing can be a formidable force.

5. Using voice search

Alexa-enabled devices are a clear indicator that voice-activated entertainment is in high demand and will continue to grow in 2022. Millions of smart speakers, mostly Google Home Minis, have been sold globally. So nowadays most homes have an intelligent device with voice search capabilities.

As voice search grows in popularity, content marketers will incorporate it into campaigns. Around 132 million Americans now use voice-activated devices.

6. Creating a content plan

Without formal documentation, both established and new businesses have successfully used content marketing. Of those polled by the Content Marketing Institute, 41% lacked documentation to back up their

As content marketing evolves, a defined content marketing plan becomes increasingly important. A documented strategy will help you stay organized and efficient in 2022 and beyond, as well as ease team recruitment.

7. Individualization

Data-driven content marketing can help established and new businesses better understand their target markets. In every stage of the buying cycle, the data you collect can help you create content that meets your target audience’s needs.

Nowadays, it’s simple to research your competitors. You can position your startup to achieve marketing goals by carefully researching your competitors’ content and how your target customers react to it.

8. ABM (account-based marketing)

B2B marketers used to use the same sales funnel. This is no longer true and will not be in 2022. Account-based marketing is gaining popularity in B2B marketing.

No generic blog posts to try and catch leads. Quite the contrary.

Less effective than general brand ads that appeal to your entire industry and drive more traffic to your site. An account-based marketing strategy uses quality outreach and relationship building to win over business accounts — customized content and experiences are the goal.

7 Surprising B2B Chatbot Use Cases

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Most B2B marketers use chat platforms like Drift to convert website visitors. The primary use case for chatbots in B2B is to increase web engagement and conversion rates.

Here are a few examples of how clients are using chatbots to increase sales engagement, shorten sales cycles, and increase revenue:

1. Trial & Demo Conversions

To convert free trials and (self-serve) demos, the user must engage with the product frequently and in a way that conveys perceived value. As a result, chat is an ideal tool for responding to specific actions (or lack thereof) and engaging the user in conversation that, for example, points to other, related features that he/she may also find useful.

2. ABM

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is using chat technology and personalized conversations to identify, engage, and capture targeted account prospects. addressing those companies by name (“Hey Google! Welcome back…”) with account-specific benefits and pain points can pay huge dividends.

3. Driving Blog & Newsletter Subscriptions

Corporate blogs rarely generate engagement or sales leads, but their content often ranks highly in search and thus can be a primary source of organic traffic. Look for ways to encourage subscriptions (“Want to receive great content like this monthly?”) or point readers to related content (“Want to learn more about [topic]?”). See our recent Webinar on…”)

4. Lead Nurturing

Marketers are expanding lead nurturing campaigns to include remarketing, content syndication, paid social, and even direct mail. This layer can identify an existing prospect and respond with language or content that encourages them to move forward in the sales process. (Add custom chatbots to thank you pages to identify hot leads ready to speak with sales.)

5. Event Registrations

Even if we aren’t quite there yet, allowing visitors to register via chat instead of a form can make a big difference in certain situations and campaigns. Webinars are one example. Use a pop-up chatbot when someone clicks the “register now” button. Just one more question and you’re in. That keeps them on the right page and speeds up the sign-up process. This is useful when marketing to existing prospects and don’t need to collect a lot of data.

6. Retargeting

Retargeting is another B2B staple that benefits from strategic chat technology application. In order to increase the rate at which a retargeted visitor becomes a measurable and actionable lead, acknowledge their prior interests and offer tailored content offers.

7. Progressive Profiling

With marketing automation and pre-filled forms, progressive profiling allows best-in-class nurture programs to collect incremental data about existing prospects. Chat can help your marketing automation platform (MAP) by recognizing existing leads and initiating conversations to gather more information.

Ways to Boost E-Commerce Sales with Digital Marketing

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What is Digital Marketing for E-commerce?

E-commerce marketing is also known as digital marketing. It involves attracting website visitors, persuading them to make an initial purchase, and then retaining them to do business.

You may be wondering how to get your first sales and whether digital marketing is the answer. But before you answer that, you must consider other aspects of E-commerce marketing that attract targeted visitors to your website and generate sales.

Comprehensive digital marketing for e-commerce uses social media and SEO to build brand awareness and increase customer base. Your goal is to provide prospective customers with a seamless digital experience regardless of how they find you or where they transact.

Here are some top digital marketing strategies for increasing E-commerce sales.

2021 E-commerce Marketing Strategies

Any E-commerce marketing campaign aims to maximize RACE’s potential. Reach > Act > Convert > Engage. To launch a successful E-commerce marketing campaign, start implementing the following tips.

1. Make use of video marketing

Not all products require video, but if you have something to show, show it rather than describe it. One study found that 84 percent of shoppers feel confident buying after watching a relevant video. Video establishes trust when making purchases.

Customers can touch and feel products in physical stores. Sadly, this doesn’t work for E-commerce and may confuse shoppers.

Shoot high-quality videos to show your product’s effectiveness and features so customers know what it does and why they need it. Show your products being used by real people.

Video is no longer a niche category when it comes to diversifying your organization’s content offerings. In recent years, video production has become an affordable and effective way to convey detailed information about your company.

Fitbit, for example, uses videos in product descriptions to increase sales. Using video elements in web design is also popular because internet videos effectively evoke strong emotions in viewers.

2. Rank and convert better with a blog

A successful E-commerce marketing strategy includes blogging and content marketing. Producing valuable content like blogs, infographics, articles and expert tips and then sharing it with a larger audience is content marketing.

Podcasts, videos, webinars, look-books, and social media are examples of non-text content. All multimedia content must be woven into a cohesive content marketing strategy.

Blogging allows you to target important keywords as part of an E-commerce link-building strategy. It enhances content that doesn’t naturally appear on product or category pages. It will have long articles that rank well in organic search.

Short-form content produces three times the traffic, four times the shares, and 3.5 times the backlinks as long-form content.

With E-commerce content marketing, you can directly communicate with your current and potential customers. Ultimately, you benefit from improved client connections and increased conversion rates. Long term, relevant content may increase brand affinity and consumer loyalty.

3. Boost social media engagement

For a newbie, digital marketing means social media. With 3.78 billion users on social media, marketers must target their target demographic while expanding their reach. Advertising on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest can help your E-commerce business.

You can also sell them on Facebook’s marketplace. Instagram now has a ‘checkout’ option for your products. Try opening your shop on Instagram for quick purchases. Ensuring that your goods and services are available on social media may also help.

4. Personalize emails and content

Personalized content can help increase online sales in a competitive market. Collecting and analyzing this data can help you create stronger brand initiatives, meaningful content, and consumer-centric experiences.

Conversational commerce is gaining popularity and it is best to use a conversational tone with your customers. Users respond better to human-like messages than soulless platitudes. Use live chat or an interactive quiz to personalize the user journey.

Content personalization requires you to identify your target audience’s USP and craft a communication around it.

Including email marketing in your E-commerce marketing strategy can significantly influence consumer purchase decisions. A personalized email uses the user’s name instead of a generic greeting, increasing open rates by 26%. People are more likely to buy from companies that send them personalized emails.

5. Think about affiliate and influencer marketing

Through a custom URL, affiliates (companies or individuals) can sell your products for a commission. Using a campaign URL builder to tell a generic sale from an affiliate sale.

Affiliate marketing is used by 81 percent of businesses to increase revenue. Provide affiliate links to influencers and content creators to promote your product.

Even if you doubt influencer marketing’s credibility, it provides a great ROI (ROI). 90 percent of marketers believe influencer marketing delivers a similar or better ROI. To create a cohesive marketing strategy for your E-commerce business, include affiliate marketing with social media influencers.

These strategies work well when targeting Gen Z and millennials who value their peers’ opinions. In this case, you’d want to identify the most popular influencer among your target demographic. Then you can use that influencer’s reach to get more targeted exposure.

Email Isn’t Dead; You’re Just Doing It Wrong

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Email is dead, or so the headlines claim. While getting to “inbox zero” is the current goal, brands should not underestimate the power of a well-crafted email campaign.

Email’s Resilience

Since email marketing became popular, marketers have debated the viability of email campaigns. Email no longer has the insanely high open rates it once did. But email is still opened 20 times per day on average. That’s why modern marketers can continue to link email campaigns to ROI.

With the rise of smartphones, email has never been more effective. A recent study found that roughly one-third of consumers check email on the go. 75% of those polled said they mostly use their phones to check email.

Whatever you sell, most qualified leads are glued to their smartphones, where their email apps are just a tap away. You can easily reach prospects by sending high-quality content directly to their inboxes—just make sure the content is valuable enough for them to open it.

But therein lies the issue. Attention. So many emails, people only open and act on those they trust. Without trust in your brand and no interest in your message, prospects will most likely delete your email without a second thought. Worst case, you harm the brand. Your constant, irrelevant messages irritate them. Some may even trash your brand on social media. Bad.

Email can be a high-stakes game if played badly. Email marketing has a lot to offer, but only to those who can effectively put themselves in their prospects’ shoes.

Sending Emails That Matter

Every great marketing strategy starts with the buyer. Your awareness stage prospect needs a different message than your consideration stage buyer. Adapting your message to the buyer’s journey improves key metrics (like open and click-through rates) while providing your sales team with qualified leads. The more specific your emails are to a prospect’s stage in the sales cycle (awareness, consideration, or decision), the better.

Consider the following best practices for an automated email drip campaign that scales well and supports your sales team:

  1. Sales enablement takes priority

An email campaign’s goal is to generate revenue. It’s a sales enabler. Remember this from the start.

When ready to write, decide which stage of the buyer journey to focus on. Aware of their issue when you talk to prospects? Are they starting to think about solutions? Are they ready to decide?

Set KPIs and benchmarks to chart the course. Consider what tone will quickly build trust with your customers. Should your brand be friendly and casual, or do you need to be seen as an expert to gain trust?

  1. Targeted audiences react better

You could send an email to everyone. You could also lose money and get a similar close rate.

Smart segmentation is essential for email drip campaigns. Fewer, more targeted emails are better. Prepare ahead of time by getting to know your target audience. What worries them? What are their aches? So, what are their roles and goals in their organizations?

Separate the leads who will buy quickly from those who will take longer to decide. If you push too hard for a purchase, you risk alienating your new audience.

Automation should handle the heavy lifting

Your marketing automation solution can deliver new content at regular (but not intrusive) intervals without the need to hire an intern. Automation helps scale.

Limit email communications to trigger-based outreach during the awareness phase. Take a link click or email open as an invitation to keep communicating. Accelerate communications as prospect activity increases.

Let the robots work. Spend your time creating engaging content that your audience wants to read. They should anticipate your emails if you do it correctly. If you want high conversion rates, you need lots of relevant, high-quality content.

Lacking sales-ready leads? What could you do better? Investing more time in creating valuable emails with relevant content may be the missing marketing strategy.

4 Ways to Combine Email Marketing and SEO

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Data is often used to deliver highly effective personalized email campaigns. Personalized emails increase click-through rates by 14% and conversion rates by 10%, according to Aberdeen. With results like these, it’s hard not to want to test, segment, and personalize email campaigns. However, the success of these incremental email marketing improvements depends on what customers do next. Sending them to a landing page or inviting them to take advantage of a personalized offer on-site isn’t enough.

You can increase the impact of your targeting by looking at it from the perspective of your web or mobile experience. It pays off. Steelhouse claims that proper targeting and testing can increase conversion rates by up to 300 percent.

Breaking down the Obstacles

Closing the data loop and merging email marketing and website optimization is becoming more common. Marketers are adopting this strategy as data on mobile open rates emerges and digital teams unite. But without a mobile-optimized, personalized experience, any brand investing heavily in email marketing will soon be wasting money. According to Eisenberg Holdings, companies spend $92 to attract customers but only $1 to convert them. Invest in a strategy that combines email marketing data with on-site behavior for a comprehensive approach to optimization.

According to EConsultancy, 64% of companies want to improve personalization, 64% marketing automation, and 62% segmentation. To keep your communications relevant and your audience engaged, combine these three key areas. Here are four ways your website optimization strategy can help your email marketing efforts! Let’s begin.

1. Verify email segmentation with website data

Email marketing segmentation is a common practice. However, segmenting your website traffic is often seen as mutually exclusive.

Using a URL parameter, validate predefined segments for email marketing campaigns. This way, you can see if your segments behave as expected, with metrics that track their behavior from first click to exit.

2. Map Email Engagement and CRM

With the right tools, you can associate a visitor’s unique identifier with a CRM file.

The data-driven marketer (you!) could personalize an email campaign’s URL. You can also use the unique URL to match individuals to segments or visitor groups in the CRM file.

3. Better On-Site Experience with Email Marketing Attributes

Email and website data can interact in both directions. One major travel brand used Maxymiser, a website and app optimization solution, to create an email campaign that drove users to the site by highlighting a destination that matched their preferences (either collected or expressed.) Using Maxymiser’s optimization solution, the brand chose 36 destinations to test.

Segment visitors who arrived via email and determine which predictive attributes will enhance their visit. Like the brand in the example above, you can use email campaign attributes to test and target on your site.

4. Test and Target from Email to Landing Page (Mobile or Desktop)

You can test custom content on predefined email segments by redirecting them to a specific landing page.

Combine email and landing page testing for a holistic view of your users’ behavior. This could be a fun test to run on a mobile landing page.

In Q1 2014, iPhones opened 38% more email than all desktops combined (34 percent). These percentages have undoubtedly risen in the last year. So, to convert a visitor via email, you must optimize your mobile landing pages. For example, Maxymiser can run the desktop landing page test on mobile. By segmenting email audiences and testing the optimal experience on desktop or mobile, a unified optimization and email marketing team could easily generate a rich tapestry of insights.

Plan for success by aligning your strategy with a multi-channel approach like the one described above. The marriage of email marketing and website optimization is an important step towards becoming a holistic digital marketing organization.

5 Drip Campaigns Every Brand Should Have

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Automated marketing is invaluable in moving customers down the sales funnel. That’s why over 53% of B2B companies already use marketing automation. Automation allows you to set it and forget it, saving you time and money. A drip campaign is another favorite form of marketing automation.

Drip campaigns are useful because they allow you to target your customers with the messages they need to hear at the right time. According to Jupiter Research, relevant emails generate 18x more revenue than broadcast emails. The key is in the drip campaign type and execution.

While some drip campaigns vary by niche, every brand needs some form of automated email to be successful.

1. Welcome Campaign

When a new lead joins your mailing list, they should be greeted with an email. In this first step, you can introduce yourself, explain what you do, and show why you’re better than your competitors. These emails are generally well received, with an average open rate of 58.7%, well above the industry average of 14.6%.

To be effective, send out multiple welcome emails rather than just one. Instead, create a three-to-five email series that educates your new lead on your brand and what they can expect from you.

2. Retargeting Campaign

Make a lead into a customer. Email retargeting is a powerful tool. It uses a browser cookie to target potential customers based on their online behavior. Email retargeting conversions can reach 41%, according to Moz.

You can retarget in many situations, not just abandoned shopping carts. An email can be sent after a customer visits your website but does nothing, or after a customer reads your blog and comments. Successful retargeting involves selecting customer actions that warrant a follow-up email and creating a drip campaign that follows your “if this, then that” rules.

3. Abandoned Cart Campaign

In 2020, 78.65% of shoppers abandoned their carts. That means three out of four visitors will leave your site without buying anything. A drip campaign can help you re-engage those customers and get them back to the purchase button.

To set up this type of drip campaign, send an email whenever a user leaves items in their cart unpurchased. “We’re sorry you left,” is a simple email. We noticed you left product 1 in your cart. What others are saying about it.” You don’t want to lose these engaged leads, so try to re-engage them.

4. Post-Purchase Campaign

It is easier to get a repeat customer than a new one. According to ClickZ, selling to an existing customer is 60-70 percent more likely than selling to a new one. A new customer should never be ignored for a potential customer.

Sending a thank-you email after a purchase shows your appreciation and commitment to building brand loyalty. Just make sure your post-purchase campaign emails are relevant to the customer’s purchases and interests.

5. Unsubscribe Campaign

If someone leaves your email list, you can still follow up with a drip campaign. You can’t just curse and move on. Instead, send one last email to try to re-engage the lead with a simple “We’re sorry to see you go!” and a request to follow you on social media.

Most people who unsubscribe from your email do not do so because they dislike your company or its products. They may be trying to clean up their inbox or change how they interact with you. Don’t lose them by not giving them alternatives.

In Conclusion

Keep in mind that the emails are usually in sequence. Instead, think of drip campaigns as multi-step approaches to stay in front of your leads and customers.

There are countless ways to reach out via email. Then come up with new ideas to effectively move your leads down the sales funnel.

Ecommerce Winback Email Strategies

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Successful ecommerce marketing includes win-back emails. Bravo if all your contacts open and buy your emails regularly! Some online stores are lucky.

Winback emails are used to keep contacts from abandoning a brand. Let’s look at best practices for re-engagement campaigns.

What is Winback Email?

A win-back email is an ecommerce email sent to inactive (idle) customers. In ecommerce, inactive means people who haven’t bought anything in a long time and are considered likely to churn.

Winback emails are designed to re-engage lost customers, bring them back to your ecommerce store, and encourage them to re-order.

Why send a winback email?

Those customers have previously bought from you. It’s a waste to let them go. Getting new customers is costly and difficult. So customer retention benefits any ecommerce business. It’s 5 times easier to get repeat orders from existing customers when you know their shopping habits.

You already know their preferences and shopping habits. Post-purchase email marketing using these data is easier than acquiring new customers.

Winning Back Lost Customers

People can lose interest in your brand for many reasons. And it’s not always a bad purchase. They don’t always need your products. Not everyone regularly checks online stores. Maybe inactive subscribers just got busy with life.

So, how do we re-engage them? This is not the same as sending promotional emails to your entire list. Many people stop opening brand emails because they are all the same.

How to stand out in a winback campaign

Make your winback email interesting, relevant, and actionable. Here are some ideas for your re-engagement email campaign:

  • Fun. Reconnect with an old friend.
  • Take advantage of limited-time offers to increase FOMO (free shipping or special edition products).
  • Incentives. Invite them to your loyalty program or give them a discount coupon.
  • Feedback. Ask about their last order to see if they want more.
  • New? Announce new products or company news.
  • Top sellers Feature the most popular items.
  • Values. Keep reminding people of your values or causes.
  • Occasions. Send a birthday email to reconnect.

Winback Email Tips

A winback email is easy. Your message, maybe a featured product, and a shop CTA. But the campaign must be done correctly to be effective.

Balance is key in email marketing. Any campaign should be timely and relevant.

1. Define “lapsed customers” for your own company

The sales cycle varies depending on the product. Not as much as evening wear or appliances. If you sell staples, don’t wait too long to recoup lost customers. But if people only buy from you once or twice a year, there’s no reason to worry.

2. Automate list cleanup

If your winback email campaign doesn’t work, automate the process of removing the contact from your list. So you can keep emailing only those who want to hear from you and improve email deliverability.

3. Hit the inbox just at right time

Winback emails, especially those with limited-time offers, must be opened immediately. You don’t want to keep waiting for a customer who has left. So your email campaign software should be able to schedule emails based on past data.

4. Reactivate email unsubscribers

What if email subscribers unsubscribe after receiving a winback email? Give them a second chance. Ask for consent to marketing emails at checkout and in order confirmation emails.

5. Send it from a brand account, not a person

If people have forgotten the brand, they must be reminded. It’s not the time to build relationships with strangers.

6. Personalize it

Marketing emails often lose their impact because they are too generic. Another mass email won’t work now, after all this time. They must feel that you have personally contacted them and addressed their concerns.

7. Don’t always run winback

A regular “promotion” loses its appeal and exclusivity. Winback emails should only be sent when a customer has been inactive for a long time.

8. A/B test everything

Testing will reveal your audience’s preferred winback emails. You can’t know what will work best until you test different subject lines, offers, and sequences.

7 Ways to Increase Customer Loyalty in Ecommerce

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Post-purchase emails are an important part of any ecommerce email strategy. They are optional if you only want new customers and don’t need existing ones to reorder.

But for most ecommerce businesses, customer loyalty is vital. Engaging with existing customers after the sale is one of the most cost-effective ways to encourage repeat purchases.

Post-Purchase Emails

This is ecommerce marketing. Follow-up emails sent after a customer receives their order (not transactional emails).

Through ecommerce content marketing and new offers, they keep people thinking about the brand. The best part is that you get data after the sale. You can use their buying habits, product interests, etc. to better target your emails.

This is not the same as sending one big promotion to your entire email list.

Most effective customer retention strategies use targeted post-purchase emails. Adding value helps build a mutually beneficial relationship with the customer, even if the open rate isn’t as high.

In contrast, if they are only promotional, you will lose repeat customers.

Let’s take a look at each type of email driving retention.

1. Usage and maintenance tips

The post-purchase experience is crucial.

We need repeat customers to enjoy their new items. Post-purchase emails with lots of content help explain the product, how to use it, and how to care for it.

This will increase product usage and customer satisfaction. So they’ll come back to you for more when they need it.

This type of email campaign can easily be tailored by product ordered to increase engagement.

2. Next order discount

In post-purchase emails, upsells drive repeat purchases. But offering specific items in an upsell email can be misleading.

Instead, offer a discount code for a future purchase, such as an accessory for a clothing item.

If you want to emphasize the link between the products, make the coupon category-specific. It also helps promote a category that doesn’t get enough attention.

3. An offer to fight browse abandonment

You can combat browse abandonment, or people who browse but don’t buy. Send them an email and encourage them to place an order.

This win-back email includes the viewed product(s) so the customer remembers easily.

Also, since this is a post-purchase email, a CRM keeps track of the customer’s behavior across all visits.

Send a special offer only to those who have looked at the products and left a few times.

4. Save the churners

There will always be churners. To avoid it, observe others who buy frequently. Observe their customer journey. What do they buy? This is why they are repeat customers.

Rewarding customers after purchases increases loyalty. It exposes more people to the products that encourage repeat purchases. This increases buyer loyalty.

5. Repeat successful campaigns

If you’re unsure what type of email campaign to send, look at your email reports. Was it a 70% clearance or an influencer’s pick?

Recreate the campaign for those who initially converted, but with different products. If they like it, send more of it.

6. Request for review

The best post-purchase email is a review request. Customer feedback can help any ecommerce business improve its product.

People are more loyal to things they are more invested in. Customer feedback is a great way to build trust. You can involve your brand’s followers in the product creation process to increase sales.

Ask your customers for new color and variant requests. Even ask for new product ideas. Their ideas may surprise you, but they are based on what they need and want from your products.

7. Promote an updated product

Maybe your product evolves seasonally, or you keep adding new features or add-ons. These are great for repeat sales and follow-up.

Because you already know what people bought, you can easily offer the new version in post-purchase emails. For example, if someone bought winter gear, offer them the summer collection.

Or you run limited editions. Keep your customers informed with reorder-inducing emails.

7 Ecommerce Content Marketing Plans for 2022

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What do you know about ecommerce content marketing? It is simply a part of digital marketing.

What are the benefits you can derive from using ecommerce content marketing?

Effective content drives free traffic to your store.

It’s also targeted traffic, meaning it’s only people interested in your products or related topics.

It usually goes like this. People use search engines to look up topics. They interact with your blog post, video, or other format. They start following your actions or return later for similar information.

People eventually find your goods. They positively associate your brand with your content marketing efforts.

Ecommerce content marketing promotes your online store. SEO and organic social media presence usually cost less than paid ads or working with influencers.

How to Build Your Content Marketing Strategy

Identify your value proposition to potential customers. What do they like? Who do you want to reach? Can you inform them about your niche? Or can you ease their pain? That should be your content.

Choose your channels. Which platform do you prefer to promote your content? On your blog or YouTube? An entirely separate domain? A podcasting site? Just make sure you follow your audience anywhere they’re interested.

Consider your content marketing strategy’s execution. Will it be done in-house or by an agency? Can you create content if you’re an expert in your product’s niche?

Ideas for Ecommerce Content

Here are some inspiring examples of content marketing.

1. Promote values on YouTube

Outdoor gear retailer REI is a great example of providing value for free. They do video marketing on topics that their customers like.

They use their YouTube channel (over 500 focused and practical videos) to answer all kinds of outdoor adventure questions. With over a million views each, REI Presents spreads the stories of inspiring people, environmental stewardship, and the outdoor lifestyle.

All their favorite sports and travel destinations are covered in series.

It’s a place where the community can get ideas for their next adventure. Also, the brand values are all over the videos. No hard sell, just a shared love of the outdoors.

2. Quizzes

Everyone enjoys talking about themselves. Your quiz could generate a lot of traffic. They’re also easily shareable on social media.

Moreover, you can use their responses to tailor your offers and communications to their needs. You can ask about their skin type to recommend products and give advice.

You can learn more about your customers’ preferences without adding another tool to your ecommerce site. Add a form to your newsletter!

3. Link your products and their uses

Warby Parker, a DTC darling, has great content is a great example to consider here.

Their To Read blog is a geek’s dream. The link is clear — people who read a lot need glasses, or so the media tells us. Warby Parker’s glasses help people see better, so they want to help them read again.

Any product-related topic or activity can be content. Consider what your clients enjoy doing and their interests.

4. Use events as ecommerce content

Offline trade shows, concerts, fairs, and exhibitions are great ways to meet your customers. It humanizes your brand and brings it closer to people. Collecting customer stories is also easier. Share behind-the-scenes photos to add realism.

5. Share DIY ideas

Ecommerce content marketing generates demand. You can show them other uses to entice them to buy it.

So do all recipes, tutorials, and reuse ideas. These are sometimes more exciting, so people buy to try. A user-generated content campaign will provide you with tons of new content to feature and reuse!

6. Addition of a twist to influencer content

This is the best way to show the products in action. #GetReadyWithMe, however, stands out.

The YouTube videos are great examples because they show ordinary people’s looks. “Beauty products for real life” says their slogan. Unlike most brands, Glossier stays close to their target demographic.

Also, they retain ownership of the videos, which they accumulate on their official channel. Brands often send vloggers products. The results are off-brand videos that require viewers to switch channels.

7. Make a glossary

Don’t assume your customers know all the jargon. You can explain and educate more about products using ecommerce content marketing.

This helps people learn more about your product category and shop with confidence. It also helps them to know what they want and need before they buy.

A glossary also helps SEO because it helps people find your ecommerce website via keyword searches. Your website will start to rank better for related terms and start showing to more people. You’ll get backlinks.

6 Sales-Driven Trigger Email Campaigns

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A triggered email generates revenue in ecommerce. Keeping track of and engaging contacts is time consuming. Automated campaigns, triggered at the right time, ensure no sales are lost.

Every business’ ecommerce email strategy should include marketing automation. Let’s go over some basic trigger emails for your ecommerce store.

A Triggered Email

A triggered email is one that is sent automatically when a trigger event occurs.

Input from the web, a milestone achieved, a purchase Your trigger campaign sets it up.

Importance of Triggered Emails

After all, it’s all about making money. The advantages of triggered email marketing involves the following:

It saves time and money.

  • Personalizes emails to nurture leads. Automated email messages follow the buyer’s journey. A triggered email responds to their wants and needs. Unlike generic promotional emails, it is timely.
  • Boosts open rates Personalization increases engagement.
  • Seizes every opportunity that humans might miss. Without automation, tracking user activity on your site and reaching them is impossible.
  • Increases sales Automation increases conversions by 53%.

Not only that. Email marketing automation has many more uses. 37 percent of companies expect automated campaigns to be easier to measure.

Types of Triggered Email

There are countless triggers you can use in your ecommerce campaigns. Let’s start with the trigger events’ categories.

1. Behavior-based triggers

You can use your contacts’ actions or inactions to trigger a response. This includes what pages they visit on your site, what products they view, add to cart or abandon, whether or not they read your blog or emails, and what promotions they buy.

2. Based on demographics

These triggers are based on customer profiles like birthday, location, and device type. The most obvious example is a birthday email sent to each registered user.

3. Triggers based on Timers

These are set by you, like subscription expiration, reorder time, and client anniversaries. They allow for more meaningful customer engagement rather than constant spamming.

How do you Set up Triggered Emails For Ecommerce Site

Take a look at the following steps below to assist you in setting up triggered emails for ecommerce site

1. Email trigger toolkit

Lead capture, tracking, CRM, and email marketing are included. If you combine tools, make sure they work well together natively or via third-party tools like Zapier.

No extra tools are required with email marketing software. In one place, you can build an email list, track customer interactions, and set up automated email marketing campaigns.

2. Pick a trigger

Create the trigger event to send a triggered email. Common email triggers used by marketing automation services include:

  • When someone joins your website or newsletter
  • When they join a campaign
  • Your customer’s birthday or anniversary
  • When they abandon their cart
  • When they order

3. Adding of Conditions

Conditions help make triggered campaigns more precise. You can delay the sending of the triggered email. Or use if-this-then-that logic.

4. Email creation

After creating the campaign’s framework, it’s time to write the email message. It should fit the purpose and target audience.

Talk to new subscribers differently than loyal customers. It’s best written as a personal email.

6 Ecommerce Email Ideas to Win Customers

So, what prompted the emails? These are the top 12 ecommerce trigger event and email examples.

1. User signs up

A triggered welcome email is simple to set up. You just build an email list and automate a message to be sent to each new subscriber.

Welcome emails get 4x the opens and 5x the clicks as promotional emails. You can use them to share your brand’s values and begin building a relationship with potential customers.

2. User subscribes to your newsletter

When a new subscriber joins your list, send them a welcome email to confirm their subscription.

It’s a chance to introduce your brand and promote your website or social media.

3. User views specific content

We can assume a customer’s interest if they view a product page or category.

Offering an incentive could easily convert them. A discount, more information, or customer reviews can do the trick.

4. User clicks on an email link

Newsletters are great for increasing website traffic and getting to know your audience.

Based on their responses, you can determine what information and products to include in future emails.

5. User opens newsletter but does not click

Why do they open but not click through your emails? Maybe they only want product updates and deals.

Maybe they don’t want to leave their inbox and prefer to read the email’s body. Only A/B testing your campaigns will tell.

6. User ignores your emails

With an average email open rate of 25.85%, inactivity is inevitable. It’s easier to regain their trust than to win new ones.

Sending emails to contacts who never open them harms your email deliverability, so you should clean up your list periodically. Before you delete a contact from your list, send them a reactivation email.

To avoid doing it manually, set a time limit for when a contact becomes ‘inactive’. Set up a triggered winback email with content, new products, deals, etc.